How much water does the ocean have?
The calculation of variations in the sea level is relatively simple. It is by far more complicated to then determine the change in the water mass. A team of geodesists and oceanographers from the...
View ArticleHow is the Arctic Ocean changing?
On coming Wednesday, 15 June, the research vessel Polarstern of the German Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association will set off on its 26th arctic...
View ArticleOcean warming causes elephant seals to dive deeper
Global warming is having an effect on the dive behaviour and search for food of southern elephant seals. Researchers from the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz...
View ArticleAntarctic waters changing due to climate: study
The densest waters of Antarctica have reduced dramatically over recent decades, in part due to man-made impacts on the climate, Australian scientists said Friday.
View ArticleSignificant sea-level rise in a 2-degree warming world
The study is the first to give a comprehensive projection for this long perspective, based on observed sea-level rise over the past millennium, as well as on scenarios for future greenhouse-gas emissions.
View ArticleNo evidence of polar warming during penultimate interglacial
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), driven by temperature and salinity gradients, is an important component of the climate system; it transfers an enormous amount of heat via ocean...
View ArticleCold wind makes Norwegian Sea warmer
(—The Gulf Stream and the warm waters it brings are one reason the climate is milder along the Norwegian coastline than other places so far north. Researchers now know that the Gulf Stream is...
View ArticleResearchers study 'middle ground' of sea-level change
(—The effects of storm surge and sea-level rise have become topics of everyday conversation in the days and weeks following Hurricane Sandy's catastrophic landfall along the mid-Atlantic coast.
View ArticleCirculation changes in a warmer ocean
Circulation changes in a warmer ocean In a new study, scientists suggest that the pattern of ocean circulation was radically altered in the past when climates were warmer.
View ArticleSMOS: The global success story continues
(—ESA's water mission is shedding new light on the meandering Gulf Stream, just one of the SMOS satellite's numerous achievements.
View ArticleBioluminescence reveals deep-water motion in the Mediterranean
In 2009 and 2010, the underwater neutrino telescope ANTARES detected an unusual phenomenon: the bioluminescence of deep-sea organisms suddenly increased, revealing an unexpected connection between...
View ArticleScientists monitor with phosphorus the algal blooms in European lakes
An international research team has analysed the relationship between the amount of phosphorus recorded in 1,500 European lakes and reservoirs, and the growth of cyanobacteria, a toxin-producing...
View ArticleUnexpected interaction between ocean currents and bacteria
For the first time, researchers have successfully demonstrated an interaction between ocean currents and bacteria: The unexpected interaction leads to the production of vast amounts of nitrogen gas in...
View ArticleSouthern Ocean sampling reveals travels of marine microbes
By collecting water samples up to six kilometres below the surface of the Southern Ocean, UNSW researchers have shown for the first time the impact of ocean currents on the distribution and abundance...
View ArticleLong-term study reveals: The deep Greenland Sea is warming faster than the...
Since 1993, oceanographers from the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), have carried out regularly expeditions to the Greenland Sea on board the research ice...
View ArticleIs the salmon louse coming to my facility?
Researchers have now developed a detailed chart of marine currents along the coast of Nordland. This knowledge will help the industry to be better prepared to deal with fish diseases, shipwrecks,...
View ArticleGPS also helps to analyze global water resources
WaterGAP (Water Global Assessment and Prognosis) is a hydrological model used to model water shortage, groundwater depletion, and floods and droughts (e.g. as impacted by climate change) over the land...
View ArticleGood news? Greenland is melting, but less quickly than predicted
The melting of the Greenland ice sheet is speeding up and 2012 already seems to be a record year in terms of this thawing. The potential consequences of this melt on the climate and on the rise of sea...
View ArticleCleaning 'produced water' from natural gas wells, potential for improved...
Increased natural gas production is seen as a crucial step away from the greenhouse gas emissions of coal plants and toward U.S. energy independence. But natural gas wells have problems: Large volumes...
View ArticleChemicals pollutants threaten health in the Arctic
Studies uncover risks and threats to Arctic inhabitant's health that might be due to contaminants brought by warmer air and sea water currents resulting from climate change.
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